Chennai Storytelling Festival 2020

Chennai Storytelling Festival 2020

2/11/20 As part of the annual Chennai Storytelling Festival, international storytellers convene via video conference to discuss “Storytelling in the World Today” Organized by Eric Miller from the World Storytelling Institute, storytellers from 4 continents...
Walter Benjamin on “Having Counsel”

Walter Benjamin on “Having Counsel”

“In every case the storyteller is a man who has counsel for his readers. But if today “having counsel” is beginning to have an old-fashioned ring, this is because the communicability of experience is decreasing. In consequence we have no counsel either for...
What does your story taste like?

What does your story taste like?

“My story isn’t sweet and harmonious, like invented stories. It tastes of folly and bewilderment, of madness and dream, like the life of all people who no longer want lie to themselves.” Herman Hesse